Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Science and SS

In Samuel's Inuit unit, he was learning about their summer and winter homes. He had to draw a picture of one or the other and what you would find at this home in that season. He chose the summer season, and this is his picture of how the Copper Inuit lived in the summer, although I am not so sure they still wore their parkas :) He also learned that in the winter the Inuit would go blind if they didn't wear special snow goggles or sun shades. The snow was so bright they needed these. So we made some. It basically looks like a shield for the eyes with very small slits to see. Of course Samuel always enjoys the hands on projects. Today Lilly was learning in science about different environments and what lives there. She made an envelope and made tiny little "snapshots" of different places, such as the ocean and the forest as well as our house, well and a Christmas ornament (?) She told me what lives in all these environments, she loves hands on projects as well.

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