Monday, June 9, 2014

Leah the Entrepreneur

Leah has been doing absolutely fantastic with her Jewelry creations! I am so impressed with her attention to detail and the amazing creativity she has. Here are some pictures of the road side stand Leah built herself to sell her earrings and necklaces. At the moment she is saving her money for a new Kayak to use on the lakes this summer. The name of her "business" is "Thundering Hooves".

Monday, April 21, 2014


These are Lilly's and Samuel's creations.
WOW! obviously I have neglected this blog for some time! I figured I should post a few entries while I have the time. School has been a challenge over the winter. Mainly with mommy. Kids have been great! Now that spring is here we are all energized again and back on track! Yay us! We have been doing a few fun activities though so I will share them with you :) This fist group is pictures of when the kids and their dad went dogsledding for an afternoon :)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Some SS fun today....

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Samuel has finished his second season at CHAAPS. He did so well. I am so proud of him. He received his silver horseshoe!!!!

Cutest thing ever!!!

A day at work with Daddy!

Leah spent a day in Burn's Lake with her dad helping him do his work....She loved it...she has since gone to do spark watch for him for which she gets paid...that is even better :) My girl is growing up, and her daddy loves her company!